Don’t forget what you deserve 

“You’re stupid if you think this is going to make a difference.” Negative clouds have been casted over me lately. With every quick check at my labels to ensure I’m not consuming any animal products I get a look, criticism, or a chuckle. Since becoming vegan I’ve been catching a lot of heat from people around me. A fluid exchange of words have turned it bullets and daggers of differencing opinions. When did being different turn into a bad thing?

In life we all encounter people who enjoy the argument, the gossip, or just making people feel plain old shitty. I’ve equipped myself with love and light when it comes to dealing with people like this, but with me changing my lifestyle so drastically I’ve been like a toilet just waiting for the negative critics to squat down and shit. We’ve all been there. You can’t ever be good enough for everyone, sometimes you just have to own who you are and be yourself. People are going to say what they want to say, but you don’t have to tolerate it. Below are some of my ways of handling, coping, and dealing with negative clouds not producing any colorful rainbows in your life.

1) Say how you feel about what the person is saying without playing the victim role. Be matter of fact and to the point. You don’t have to play into the theatrics.

2) If you have stated to these certain people who you feel about their actions and they continue to act with disrespect, distance yourself.
Example: I was really close with a girl. Extremely good friends, somethings transpired that deeply hurt my feelings, I never received an apology. I began to set boundaries. I stopped coming around. Only when it was a must did I see her. I began to feel better because I wasn’t lowering myself and allowing someone to treat me poorly.

3) Don’t allow them to pretend like nothing happened. A lot of times when people wrong you, they will drop it and pretend everything is okay. Do not allow people to do this. You are showing them that they are able to say or do whatever they want to you and the next day things will be fine. You need people who are going to raise your vibration, people who are willing to right their wrongs.

4) On days when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the words and actions of others I meditate. A good 10 to 15 mins is all I really need, but it can vary from person to person. It just allows me to get back into the now and focus on my journey.

5) Get it out. Don’t hold back how you are feeling. If you don’t think in that moment you can justly and calmly express yourself. Tell them you are upset and would like to take a minute to regroup so you don’t say something you don’t mean.

Remember you are an extraordinary human. You deserve love, respect, and kindness. You don’t have to allow people to say things that hurt you in anyway. Big or small.